Sunday, November 23, 2008


From the Los Angeles Times...

"White extremists lash out over election of first black president",0,7570102.story

Really? Wow...

This reminds me of Claude Raines in "CASABLANCA" when his men break up the gambling at Rick's...I'm SHOCKED!!

Future Major news headlines...

  • Water is Wet!

  • Fire is Hot!

  • Ice is cold!

  • Bear takes dump in woods!

  • Hungry Lion eats Gazelle!

  • Televangelist lies about Healing!

  • Televangelist wants Money!

  • Republican/Democrat says other side is too Liberal/Conservative

  • Inbreeding of Humans causes problems!

    • I will occasionally carry items from the desk of the completely obvious...

Am I advocating that these moron's aren't dangerous? That we shouldn't pay attention to what they do? God forbid...but are the people that are stupid enough to wear a white hood the real problem? Or, it the vast majority who openly preach tolerance...but privately practice the worst kind of bigotry?

You'll discover, if you read enough of my posts, that I like to tell stories to illustrate a point...the reasoning behind that will be covered, here's a couple of true stories...

One of the only real friends I had when I was a Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff back in the eighties happened to be black. We were both young and passionate(hard to believe I was that young once...), and shared our hopes and dreams while lifting weights in the gym...

He told me once that his plan was to make Sergeant, then move back to the little town in Alabama where he grew up and run for Chief of say that I was shocked would be another news headline...he'd related many racist incidents that had happened to his family over the years in the town, and I couldn't imagine why he would go back...

"Why would you want to go back there man?"

"Because...back there they call me nigger to my face..."

"What? I don't..."

"You my boi, Duece(one of my AKA's back in the day)...but look around many BBQs and parties do me and the other brothers get invited to? How about you? What few invites you got all dried up when you started hanging with me...I can handle racists...been doin' it my whole life...what I can't handle are posers...people telling me I'm cool, but never leavin' me alone around their women...or their kids...puttin' their valuables away if I do come over...givin' me that big fake smile on the street, but grabbin' their purses tighter...I prefer my racism straight up...know who I got to watch out for..."

Lest you think that's all in the past...My best friend up here in Portland is black...volunteers coaching youth football...has for years...he played his college ball up here...played Pro for years 'till he got busted up...but they wouldn't give him a key to the equipment shed...for years...everyone else had one, but not him...and Obama carried the Portland area by a huge margin...

I'm grateful to have lived to see the day that we have a person of color in the White House...maybe if I live long enough, I'll even get to see a woman President...we've come a long way...but we have so very far to go...


abaddon911 said...

History has made clear to me that your point is valid (and well written - I might add) I would imagine that this truth is, if not universal, certainly one of the most prevalent truths that we all can testify to. The destruction wrought by the duplicitous is profound. Is there a greater tool of devastation? A mere peek to the past exposes voluminous examples of this. Regrettably, many of those examples are from my own treacherous behavior. It is a deplorable quality and one to be fire.

Christopher Blake said...

What was the first sin? The five, I wills...
Want to know the Christopher Blake passage of the Bible?
Romans 7:15-25
Everything I want to do, that I know I should do...I don't...
Everything I don't want to do, that I know I shouldn't do...I do...
What the F*** is wrong with me?
I have Two Dogs inside of me...fighting over a bone...the old man, and the new man...and the fight will not end while I'm in this it's a fight...everyday...
The fire burns those who understand it the most...

abaddon911 said...

That has always been a passage that well defines me. I commited to memory Romans 7 for that reason. The 21st verse of chapter 6 also rings a bell with me. Had Paul not written that (through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) I myself would have come to say those same words independently.


About Me

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Christopher Blake is a loving husband...devoted father...minister...crippled more than a little rough around the edges...